Day 5 - Training, a bit of culture and bowling!
The girls having their final training session with Joy from HTC ISCA after a very early start (6:30am!). They worked hard and enjoyed themselves once they had blown the cobwebs away.
The boys headed indoors to the 3G pitch that Anderlecht had trained on 24 hours previously....
.......looks like hard work!
Afternoon trip into the centre of Brussels for a spot of culture and sightseeing. The children visited the G3 Art Gallery and were fascinated by the contemporary artwork on display.
When did Emilia pose for this portrait?
Best boss in the world.
On your head son!
Everyone enjoyed the work of controversial Brazilian artist Cleverson Oliveira but Fiona chose this piece on the favelas as her favourite.
A chance to let off some steam and have a bit of fun at the ten pin bowling centre. The children competed for the highest score (and so did the staff!) and the winner was ........... Emilia! Oh and H20.
It was a better evening for some than others, but fun was had by all, even Mr Franklin who suffered a humbling loss to an outstanding Mimi.
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